African Architecture Education Network
AAmatters team
Aga Khan Award for Architecture
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Among the involved architecture schools in the ArchiAfrika network, it was felt that a pan African collaboration among schools would be beneficial for both education and research. Together with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture – the organisation behind one of the largest architecture awards in the world, a meeting was organised in Accra, bringing 14 schools together from across the continent, to discuss common grounds and challenges.
A proposal was made for further collaboration. AAmatters supported the organisation of the event as part of their support to ArchiAfrika.
During a conference in Accra from 1-3 June 2012, organised by ArchiAfrika and the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, the ArchiAfrika educational network was launched: the fourteen gathered architecture schools from all regions of the African continent decided to work together to develop excellence among the next generation professionals in the African built environment.
The parties agreed that strategies to address the challenges in the African built environment should be developed from within the continent, in a cross disciplinary and cross cultural dialogue, including the excelling contemporary architects of Africa in the activities.
A committee, existing of Mr. Benabdeljalil and Prof. George Intsiful (KNUST – Ghana), Prof. Aletta Steenkamp (University of Cape Town – South Africa) and Dr. Lawrence Esho (Kenya Polytechnic University College), will elaborate a programme consisting of international lecture series using new technologies, innovative workshops, trainee and summer school programmes for staff and students.
African Architecture Matters in the person of Berend van der Lans was supportive to the event in assisting in programming, coordination, communication etc., while Antoni Folkers produced a report for the NAi platform.