Hifadhi Zanzibar as example for long term investment in tourism in Milano workshop
Tourism can be a nuisance, as becomes clear when listening to a growing number of inhabitants from Barcelona, Amsterdam, Paris etc, but it also serves as a source of identity and cohesion and as driver for socio-economic development. This is recognised by the shareholders from Hifadhi Zanzibar, as it was recognised by the shareholders of Stadsherstel Amsterdam some 60 years earlier.
The Sovereign Investment Lab (SIL), a research unit of the Baffi Carefin, Bocconi University, and the Fondazione Riccardo Catella in Milano organise the workshop 'Tourism, Culture and Long-term Investment: Heritage Assets Management in the XXI Century' on 26 October 2017.
The workshop aims at involving top international experts, investors and policy makers to discuss the frontiers in cultural heritage asset management and investment , the risk of tourism & heritage funds, and the economic and institutional challenges affecting the launch of cultural tourism as engine for sustainable development.
Berend van der Lans from AAmatters will contribute to the workshop by sharing experiences from Stadsherstel Amsterdam and Hifadhi Zanzibar. More information on the programme can be obtained via the website from the Fondazione Riccardo Catella. You can follow the event via streaming on the website of Coima.